Sunday, 17 January 2016

#43 Corsair

   The piratey patriarch of the clan Summers.

#44 The Goblin Queen

    Another member if the Summers family, Scott's betrothed and darling wife, Madelyn Pryor-Summers.  Well darling until Cyke ran off to his ex, her child was kidnapped by the Marauders and she was imprisoned and tortured by all got a bit much for feisty Maddy and she transformed into someone a lot darker.  She had an interesting storyline with a good solid arc, making her more than just the Jean Grey clone in the saucy dress.

#45 Zzzax

     The monster with the electrifying presence.  This silver age villain is not too much of a bright spark figuratively speaking, but taken literally, none are more illuminating.  A shockingly fine beast.