Friday, 11 November 2016

An autumnal update of Marvelous characters.

#51 The Collector.

#52 Kate Bishop.

#53 Sidewinder

#54 Diamondback

#55 Red Wolf

Sunday, 29 May 2016

The Hyborean Necromancer and the Ionic Crime Lord

This month it's the turn of Kulan Gath and Count Nefaria to get some custom treatment.  Two old gents of the MU.  Well, not really gentlemen, but certainly mature in years.
    I enjoyed creating these two, both being storied and broad ranging enemies of various teams throughout the decades.  It's as though neither of them could settle on one nemesis so they swapped it around a lot.  Well, variety is the spice so to speak.  Who wants to fight against the same superheroes, year in and year out, anyway?  I think they turned out as nice and dynamic conversion pieces.

#48 Kulan Gath

#49 Count Nefaria

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Snakes alive!

#46 Puff Adder

#47 Asp

My inaugural pair of Serpent Society members.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

#43 Corsair

   The piratey patriarch of the clan Summers.

#44 The Goblin Queen

    Another member if the Summers family, Scott's betrothed and darling wife, Madelyn Pryor-Summers.  Well darling until Cyke ran off to his ex, her child was kidnapped by the Marauders and she was imprisoned and tortured by all got a bit much for feisty Maddy and she transformed into someone a lot darker.  She had an interesting storyline with a good solid arc, making her more than just the Jean Grey clone in the saucy dress.

#45 Zzzax

     The monster with the electrifying presence.  This silver age villain is not too much of a bright spark figuratively speaking, but taken literally, none are more illuminating.  A shockingly fine beast.