Tuesday, 11 November 2014

GLA Month.

Great Lakes Avengers...
Or just plain Lightning Rods.  Whatever they call themselves, they can call them themselves custom figurines now.
I went a bit GLA nutty this month and the joke team of World's Mightiest (tm) Heroes were made in CMFC size.  Squirrel girl was lonely.

#28 Doorman

#29 Dinah Soar

#30 Mr. Immortal

#31 Flatman

I love these characters and their stories.  They are essentially a bunch of triers and even though they take their superheroing  very seriously, no one else seems too.  They are a colourful, ecclectic team and their shenanigans are full of genuine LOL moments.  Long live the GLA.  Err, that is Initiative.  They are always bound to have at least one iteration thanks to Mr. Immortal's longevity.  The hard part is always convincing new capes they want to join.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


#26 Danger

One figurine I spent a long while on, recreating the details of Cassiday's original for her into a physical sculpt.  She is such an elegantly envisioned character, she deserved a bit more attention than usual for a custom.

#27 Brother Voodoo

A character whose appearances in the MU are quite few and far between, but he is a well known and attractively designed one, worthy a place on the display shelf.  His costume is a memorable combination of silver age vibrancy and nationalist colours, which exude and exemplify his Carribean origins, and root him in his voodoo background.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

A little mystical, a lot cosmical and with a dash of cubic.

Managed to get three new boys on the block this month.

#23)  First up, a classic villain  The power-stealing product of the Tesseract , the Super Adaptoid.

Then a double helping of Guardians of the Galaxy goodness; (#24) Yondu and (#25) Starhawk.

Great to finally get all these characters made up, they have been on my to do list for as long as I've been creating customs; they are classics that have been around longer than I've been alive, and all have colourful and unique costumes that set them apart from the crowd.  Even if the Adaptoid's is an amalgam of others, it is completely distinct and recognisable as it's own thing.  I haven't quite filled out the GotG roster completely, but they looking more like the team I know.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Gang's all here

Update for May;
Had a bit of a creative spurt this month and completed the U-Foes, making renditions of Ironclad and X-Ray.  Ironclad was nicely straight forward, X-Ray very experimental and striking.  I had a to try a few different methods of creating his burst pattern, but eventually found a way to make him so the pattern is actually inside his transparent body.  Quality!  I also finished my Leech custom, making him my 22nd figurine.

20# Ironclad

21# X-Ray

22# Leech

Keep watching, I have some great figs to come.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Penny for your thoughts?

Three new additions this month, representing three different area of the MU.

Another U-Foe, their leader Vector.  Love that costume, the man has confidence to venture out in that!


In the blue corner, mad, bad and dangerous to know, she the terror of the space lanes, Nebula!


In the red corner, little mute Artie, who can't talk but can communicate more succinctly than many.


More cool sculpts to come in May!

Friday, 14 February 2014

Air and Water

Quick February update to show off my two new additions.

#15 Vapor, gaseous villainess and member of the U-Foes.

I'll be adding the other U-Foes in the future.   They are a visually striking team with a long history of villainy in throughout the MU.

#16 Attuma, Warlord of Atlantis.

I've wanted to add Attuma since I began customizing and finally settled on a look I was happy with. I think he turned out well, with punchy colours and and a suitably dominating appearance.

That's all for now!